May Briefs

Well it is that time of the month again where I mention anything that is going on within Becoming God’s Man ministries and the God at Work Podcast.


Some things I am thinking about involve diversifying our presence. What this means is I am considering in some format making a podcast based off of the St. Pete Dream Center Table Talk videos. I am also considering also either on the Becoming God’s Man Youtube Channel, or creating a specific God At Work channel to put a video version of this podcast in order to reach more people. Let me know what you think by calling or texting (727) 315-0830 or you can email me


So what will I be talking about this month? I figured I would look into some Christian legends by looking into the life of Saint George.


I will then go and for the Bible study look into Christ’s High Priestly Ministry, which kind of fits in with last month having started off with Easter.


I also have another interview from Sun n Fun that will be used for the unscripted weeks.


You may notice I said weeks and not week, that is becasue I will be out of town and without my computer the first Friday of June for a wedding and will be traveling light, also pray for me as it is surprisingly the first time for me to fly someplace, and thus I am nervous about flying so I will treat that as the 5th Friday of May and shift my June weeks by one, since June has 5 Fridays this year.


If you have questions, prayer requests, comments, suggestions, or a story to share please feel free to call/text (727) 315-0830 or email